Arizona model blue slippers for men

$ 66.00

$ 66.00
SKU: 1027275.

BIRKENSTOCK Arizona blue men's slippers. Inspired by the cork sandal, this model is made of EVA. The EVA plastic material is of high quality, has no odor or pollutants and brings many positive characteristics: it is very light, highly elastic, waterproof, skin-friendly item and offers the usual BIRKENSTOCK comfort. Low profile. Spring summer season.


You can make your return request within 15 working days. Any defects in the items must be promptly reported within 72 working hours after receiving the order by writing an email to All items are delivered with an authenticity tag attached to the garment using a disposable security seal with the Pavidas logo. If necessary, the garment can be tried without removing the tag and without tampering the guarantee seal.  


STANDARD DELIVERY IN EU – 15 EURO  The estimated delivery period will vary between 5-6 working days.

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